Sunday, November 25, 2012

It's the weekend!

Hello peoplez! 

So this week I've been working hard and getting dirty.

I had to clean out a combine head. And a Flex head.
So basically I have to twist my body among metal spokes to pull out stalks of Soy and corn. I took a chunk of skin off my arm doing it. 

Did you know it was possible to impale yourself with a stalk of soy?

Because I didn't. Til now. 
Needless to say, after I yanked out the tree branch and tidied up the blood, I put on gloves.

So to clean it out I have this air blower dealio thingy to blow the chaff and junk out. But before I used it I'd clean out the big stuff.

It didn't help much. 

No matter how much you pull out with your hands, the air blower finds more to cover you with. 
Every time I horked a loogie it was mud. It was awful. 
Next time Keith asks me to clean out a header I will say yes. BUT IT WILL HAVE A TINY BIT OF HESITATION.

That's right.

I'm a rebel.

Same thing when I have to wash the slates, except it's not chaff from soy; it's poop. And it gets on my eyelids. And everywhere else.

The good thing is though the after I blow out all the chaff and stuff I get to drive the skidsteer. :D :D

                                                    Because it's seriously so much fun to drive.

Anyways, that is all for now. Apparently I have stuff to do today. Also, We have snow!!! I am SO PLEASED. I love snow so much.

Cheerio people!


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